26 janeiro 2007

Som do dia

Tenho muitas certezas na vida. Uma delas? Se me cantassem assim ao ouvido, perdi-as todas!

E assim se termina uma semana em beleza!

Or with whoever she spends her time
If these arms were meant to hold her
They were never meant to hold her so tight
For the love of that girl
Greed’s all gone now, the panic subsides
When I could run, pulling arms to love her
Try to put myself on on the inside

For the love of that girl
Tears swell, you don’t know why
For the love of that girl
They never fall, they can never run dry
For the love of that girl

Promise is never over, never questioned it needed reply
But she could breathe deep into my neck
Let me know I’m just on the outside

Greed’s all gone now, there’s no question
And I can see you push your hair behind your ears
Regain your balance
Doesn’t matter where she is tonight
Or with whoever she spends her time
If these arms were meant to hold her
They were never meant to hold her so tight


Blogger Qqc said...

excelente escolha... para mais foste tu que apresentaste os senhores... talvez os efeitos sejam diferentes mas de qqf cá estou para continuar a ouvi-los

26 janeiro, 2007 17:56  

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